Sunday, 31 July 2011

Old Spitalfields Market

Today I eventually got round to visiting Old Spitalfields Market, it's known as a 'must visit', but I must say I wasn't that struck by it. It was 'nice' (ouch!) and the food stalls were good, but the merchandise - clothes, jewellery, trinkets and artwork, were just ordinary and overpriced.
(Source: By yisris through Flickr. This photo was taken on October 23, 2005 using aPanasonic DMC-FZ5.)

I am yet to visit the other famous London Markets (other than Borough), and have faith that I won't be disappointed with the others.

Friday, 29 July 2011

The crumbs of the Crumble

I like crumble, and I have fond memories of being trusted to make my own small apple crumbles as a child. It was always so simple and yet satisfying to rub together the flour, butter and sugar. And yet, somehow I've lost the knack of late.
(Source: adactio through Flickr. This photo was taken on June 13, 2010 using a Canon Digital IXUS 60)

Being aware of my, traditional crumble topping, anxiety I was very happy to give the porridge, spice, wheatgerm and oil, good stir variety of crumble, a go. I wasn't disappointed, it was scrummy and sooo easy to combine, but unfortunately the Hubby was...he said those fatal words..."I prefer the way my Mum makes it!" So of course I rose to the challenge, and had a go at the flour, sugar, butter topping variety the following week. Hubba liked it, but I actually prefer the porridge type now, so, although I don't envisage making a crumble every week, I will try to alternate which topping I make ;-)
(Source: Lori L. Stalteri through Flickr.  This photo was taken on December 12, 2010 using aPanasonic DMC-LX3.)
Which topping do you prefer? With chatting to friends, I'm finding the flour, sugar, butter topping seems to be the favourite of husbands/partners and sons, whereas us ladies like the porridge topping.
Would you agree?